LVL Holistics

80% Clean Eating, 20% Sh*t Happens 




Hi! My name is Lindsay LaPaugh.

I'm not invested in helping you follow a fad diet. I'm interested in helping you fall in love with whole food. I'm interested in helping you make sustainable lifestyle changes so you continue on the path of living your happiest, healthiest life.

For years I struggled with my own weight and health issues. I thought dieting was the solution, so I tried pills, teas, juices, cutting carbs, limited sweets, starving myself.  None of it worked. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster diet and I'd end up feeling deprived and binge on any food I could get my hands on. 

After studying physical education at the University Of Western Michigan I became a Certified Women’s Coach through Girls Gone Strong and went on to become a Certified Pre and Postnatal coach.

With my clients, my programs are evidence based and met you where you’re at. We work together to create long term, sustainable habits while experimenting with a plan that’s customized to you and your goals.

Core Values: 

1. Women have the right to body autonomy (the way women want to look, feel, perform is up to them and it's my job as a coach to support them) 

2. This is a company that educates on fitness, nutrition and mental health with integrity and evidence based information 

3. All humans deserve access to affordable health and wellness programs 

4. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and classism are women’s health issues and we believe in fighting for a world that's safe for all humans 

5. A women is enough as she is and her worth isn't defined  by the number on the scale or by how long she can hold a plank 

All of my programs focus on what you can have, not what you can’t have.  Life is about balance. You should feel good and be excited about the foods you get to eat.  I work with my clients to help them incorporate the right foods that fit into their lifestyle.  You’ll learn how to fuel your body so your energy levels are high and give you confidence and strength to get you through your day. You’ll learn how to indulge with intention and no guilt. Don’t want to give up eating pizza,  then don’t! LVL Holistics is a restriction-free way of living and finding the perfect health blueprint that works for you.

Want to learn more about working with me? Click Here.